Videos of the conference "Internet and 21st century Social Revolutions" AERCO

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On April 5 AERCO hosted with La Casa Encendida the conference “Internet and 21st century Social Revolutions”, where we discussed the relationship between Internet Social Media and their impact on the ground, focusing on the specific context of the Middle East and North Africa region. Are Social Media like Facebook, Youtube or Twitter bringing more power to citizens in order to have an impact on their own context? Do citizens´ aspirations conflict with these companies interests? What are the implications of individuals using free (but private) platforms to broadcast and share content that is politically sensitive? To answer these questions, we had five outstanding speakers who know the ground and who have been working on citizen empowerment through technology for years. Now you can watch the videos of the conference, feedback is welcome!

We also encourage you to celebrate the International Internet Day on May 17, which AERCO helps promote through different activities, workshops and actively supporting netfreedom.

AERCO asks Isocialrev speakers: How has the Internet changed the way we communicate? from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st century social revolutions_Leila Nachawati from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st century social revolutions_Raed Jarrar from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st Century Social Revolutions_Matisse Bustos from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st Century Social Revolutions_Dale Zak from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st century social revolutions_Sami Ben Gharbia from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

Internet and 21st century social revolutions_Bilal Randeree from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.

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