Reporters without Borders: Aerco interviews Clothilde Le Coz

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AERCO was at the National Conference for Media Reform in Boston, April 8-10, to listen to and engage in discussion with media professionals, activists and policy makers on how technology is changing the way we communicate and helping redefine democracies.

During the panels we interviewed different speakers who represent a change of paradigm
that brings power to citizens for social change. Meet Washington Director for Reporters without Borders Clothilde Le Coz.

Clothilde Le Coz is the Washington director for Reporters without Borders, organization that helps to promote press freedom and free speech around the world. Her role is to get the message out for readers and politicians to be aware of the constant threat journalists are submitted to in many countries.

AERCO interviews Clothilde Le Coz. National Conference for Media Reform from Leila Nachawati on Vimeo.


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